Returning to the case at hand, we must point out that one aspect that aggravates the situation is the integration that GoDaddy has made with Microsoft in its login panel.

However, it should be noted that sometimes this type of error is carried out by malicious actors, indexing in Google as the first result of a fake webmail/VPN portal of a company. There is no confirmation, but this redirection could be due to Microsoft’s integration with this domain provider to allow its users to customize the domains of their e-mail addresses, as shown in the following link: This link ( ), which is initially unrelated to GoDaddy, ends up redirecting to its web portal. In the image below, it shows how Google displays as the main «Sign In – Outlook» link the URL that ends up redirecting to GoDaddy:

This could have allowed many users to get confused and trust this web portal with the credentials to access the Microsoft 365 suite. Today (at the time of this writing it’s October 3), when performing this Google search, a glitch in the famous search engine caused the targeted link to end up on the GoDaddy login page. This Google search usually yields the link to the Office portal as the first result. « Office 365 login» With those words, many people start their workday to authenticate to Microsoft’s web tools, with which their companies are integrated.